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PinkSuite Subscription Terms and Services

1.⁠Agreement Overview

Welcome to PinkSuite, the comprehensive business solution provided by the collaboration of GBG Designs & Services LLC and Rose Revenue LLC (referred to collectively as "The PinkSuite Team").

By subscribing to the PinkSuite, you agree to abide by the terms outlined in this agreement.

2.⁠ ⁠Subscription and Fees

A. The PinkSuite operates on a subscription basis, with fees detailed in the pricing plans.

B. Activation and setup fees are non-refundable unless waived for promotional purposes.

C. Additional charges may apply for Email, SMS, MMS, Voice Calls, and AI Messaging services, billed separately from the subscription fees. Delays and additional fees may occur if payment deadlines are missed.

D. To ensure smooth payment processing, users are encouraged to keep non-prepaid cards on file for their e-wallet.

3.⁠ ⁠Requirements and Access

A. Users must maintain a branded domain and email address to use the PinkSuite.

B. Phone numbers cannot be ported over to the PinkSuite; instead, a leased phone number will be provided under your brand.

C. Compliance with all requirements is essential for a smooth user experience.

4.⁠ ⁠Termination and Cancellation

A. The PinkSuite Team reserves the right to terminate access for malicious conduct or unauthorized use.

B. Upon termination, users will lose access to the platform, with the exception of their exported contact list, which includes only basic information.

C. Users requesting manual cancellation must provide 30 days' notice for the disconnection of integrated tools.

D. Immediate cancellation erases all user data from the platform.

5.⁠ ⁠Confidentiality and Non-Compete

A. Users must maintain confidentiality of proprietary information, including software, content, strategies, and trade secrets.

B. Disclosing proprietary information to third parties is prohibited without explicit written consent from the PinkSuite Team.

C. Users are prohibited from replicating or reverse-engineering the PinkSuite's methods, tools, or strategies.

D. The obligations of confidentiality and non-compete shall survive the termination of this agreement. Users agree not to share proprietary information, including software, content, strategies, and trade secrets with anyone outside of the PinkSuite, or to create their own business or agency that is in competition with the PinkSuite.

6.⁠ ⁠Account Sharing, Transferring, or Sub-Leasing

The PinkSuite does not support account ownership sharing, selling, or transferring. Furthermore, no account may be sublet or used on behalf of any business other than the account owner's. The PinkSuite does not allow agencies to host content or render services through their accounts. Users are permitted to add additional staff as users to their account so that they have their own username and login, but are not allowed to use the account for any purpose other than supporting the main user's business.

The PinkSuite Team shall not be held responsible or accountable for any ownership conflict between two (or more) partners, associates, staff members, customers, or managers claiming ownership or control over a PinkSuite account. The PinkSuite Team will always regard the person currently paying for the account as the sole and rightful owner (and manager) of the account.

The PinkSuite Team will only consider an account ownership transfer from one PinkSuite subscriber to another PinkSuite subscriber upon express written consent from both parties involved in the transaction: the current account owner and the designated account recipient. Once the transfer is approved by the PinkSuite Team, the move will be non-revokable, and the recipient will become the sole and rightful owner thereafter. Moreover, from the date of transfer onwards, the account recipient will become responsible for satisfying payments for any and every recurring invoice issued by the PinkSuite Team for servicing the account. Finally, The PinkSuite Team understands that the designated account recipient has read and agreed to these Terms of Service.

Transfer of accounts or data is not permitted outside of the PinkSuite. The PinkSuite Team will not permit nor conduct any transfers outside of the PinkSuite system.

7.⁠ ⁠Monitoring and Usage

A. The platform is actively monitored 24/7 to ensure compliance with account and user limits.

B. Misuse, including unauthorized access or reverse engineering, may result in immediate termination.

8.⁠ ⁠Feedback and Testimonials

The PinkSuite Team may use client feedback and testimonials for marketing purposes without additional compensation.

9.⁠ ⁠General Provisions

A. The agreement is governed by the laws of the PinkSuite Teams' headquarters jurisdiction.

B. Disputes shall be resolved through binding arbitration.

C. Subscription fees, activation fees, and setup fees are non-refundable and non-transferable.

D. Users are advised to pause rather than cancel their subscription to retain access to the platform.
